Systematic screening for early risk detection to improve service personnel performance and safety.


 Signal fusion has an innovative Voice AI psychometric platform designed for comprehensive and regular behavioral screening of service personnel.

The system facilitates early identification of potential risks, bolstering crew safety and optimizing performance.

The mental health of service personnel is at risk. 

Service personnel operating in challenging environments face significant mental health challenges, with a 37% higher prevalence of mental health disorders compared to other professions. These individuals navigate complex and uncertain conditions, often exposed to various dangers inherent in their roles.

The correlation between mental health issues and risky behaviors directly impacts operational safety, with human error being responsible for 80% of incidents. Recognizing the pivotal role of service personnel well-being in ensuring safe and effective operations is crucial.

Fostering a positive safety culture relies on promoting the mental and emotional resilience of service personnel. By prioritizing both technical competence and behavioral adaptability, organizations can create an environment that safeguards personnel, enhances performance, and mitigates operational risks.

Go beyond people’s analytics.

Make every voice count. Vocal expressions and communications are critical tools for the clinical and psychological sciences. They reveal important indicators for the individual's personality traits, psychometrics, and emotional and cognitive states. 


Speech analytics provide objectivity and personalized insights. 

Create the next generation of screening.

A scalable, high-impact solution replacing traditional self-report questionnaires with innovative voice technology.

Our technology demonstrates higher accuracy and engagement compared to current psychometric assessments.


It drives precise outcomes.

Extract highly valuable unique data.

The new approach aims at identifying any signs of mental health issues quickly and accurately, allowing for timely intervention and support. it is not only about preventing potential disasters but also enhancing the overall efficiency of the missions.

Employers benefit from improved overall safety, reduced incident rates, aggregated insights for crew suitability and matching, compliance with new regulations, and lower insurance rates.


We offer transparency to know where to start when an incident happens.